On the Advice of an Attorney:
Used Auto Dealers Make an Effective Case Before the FTC
The Federal Trade Commission, seemingly reversing
itself and contradicting a growing amount of
casework at the state level, has told the attorney
for a used auto dealer association that split-cost
warranties are permissible, even when they require
the buyer seeking service under that warranty to
bring their car back to the dealer that sold it to
At issue is the so-called tie-in prohibition of the
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, which makes it illegal
for a warrantor to require the buyer to make an
additional purchase in order for the warranty to
remain effective. But also at issue is the nature
of the split-cost warranty itself, which consumer
advocates say is subject to potential abuse because
the warrantor gets to decide the total cost, and
therefore the amount to be split.
Request for Clarification
In April 2002, a letter written by Keith Whann,
counsel for the National Independent Automobile
Dealers Association, asked the FTC to clarify its
position on split-cost warranties that require all
warranty service to be performed by the dealer.
The FTC's answer came in the form of a
letter of opinion drafted on Dec. 31, 2002, and announced
in the Jan. 3, 2003 weekly wrap-up.
Consumer advocates were using as precedent some
comments made by the FTC during a 1999
Congressional review of the Warranty Act. But in
crafting his argument, Whann cited an even older
precedent. He pointed out to the FTC that their
own 1998 publication, "A Dealer's Guide: The Used
Car Rule," states that the warrantor must disclose
the percentage of parts and labor that will be
covered under a limited warranty. It even
discusses dealers offering 50 percent coverage for
parts and labor.
The point is, he said, the FTC's own 1998 guide
book, of which 125,000 copies were printed and
distributed, tells used auto dealers how to offer
50/50 warranties that comply with disclosure rules.
The Dealer's Guide, Whann wrote, "states that
dealers may disclose the percentage of parts and
labor that will be covered under a limited
warranty, and even discusses dealers offering 50%
coverage for parts and labor. On the same form,
the dealer is required, by statute, to: (i)
identify the name and address of the dealership and
the name of the contact person for warranty related
questions; and (ii) instruct the consumer to see
the contact person for warranty related complaints.
For over twenty-five years, this requirement has
been interpreted to mean that the dealer may
require the consumer to pay a portion of the repair
charge and the dealer is the entity that the
consumer should look to for performance of the
warranty services."
In other words, the FTC said percentage splits are
OK, and tying the repairs to the warrantor's shop
is OK. Therefore, if one were to connect the dots
provided by the FTC, one could conclude that
split-cost warranties that tie the repairs to the
seller's shop are OK. And that's exactly what the
FTC concluded.
Remedies for Overcharging
Having established to the FTC's satisfaction that
their own publications at least indirectly
permitted 50/50 warranties, Whann next moved on to
the core objection raised by consumer advocates,
namely that captive split-cost warranties encourage
"One of the primary concerns being expressed by
plaintiffs’ attorneys, consumer advocates and some
regulators is that if limited warranties with less
than 100% coverage continue to be offered, motor
vehicle dealers have an incentive to artificially
inflate the cost of repairs," Whann wrote. "For
example, if the total cost of a repair would
normally cost $200, the dealer and the consumer
would each pay $100 under a 50/50 limited warranty.
However, if the dealer inflates the cost of the
repairs and charges the consumer $400 for the same
repair, the consumer would pay $200, thus covering
the cost of the entire repair and the dealer
theoretically would not incur any financial
obligation. This argument is without merit,
however, because the average dealership markup is
estimated to be 15% on parts and 30% on labor and
because both Federal and State Laws afford
consumers protection from these types of
Furthermore, by those same Federal and State Laws,
consumers are typically given a written estimate of
repair costs ahead of time, so if their 50 percent
share sounds inflated, they can always go
elsewhere, Whann advised. "A motor vehicle dealer
cannot alter its prices for labor and parts after
it discovers that a consumer is requesting that the
repairs be performed pursuant to a limited
warranty," he wrote. "State Unfair and Deceptive
Acts and Practices (UDAP) Statutes and Motor
Vehicle Repair Rules further protect consumers by
affording them the right to receive a written
estimate of the anticipated cost of the repairs
prior to commencing the repairs."
Dire Consequences Predicted
Finally, Whann warns the FTC of the dire
effects a ban on 50/50 warranties would have on the ability of people to afford repairs: |
"If the practice ... is found to violate the
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, the result would be
devastating to motor vehicle dealers and would have
a negative impact on both dealers and consumers
across the country," he wrote. "Although dealers
are currently absorbing or paying a portion of
repair costs that many consumers cannot afford,
they will be faced with offering 100% coverage or
selling used vehicles "as-is." Remembering that
the median age of motor vehicles in operation today
is approaching 8.5 years and that 58% of the motor
vehicles on the road now are over 7 years old, few
motor vehicle dealers can afford to offer 100/100
limited warranties. If dealers cease offering
50/50 (or similar type) limited warranties, many
consumers, in particular those 58% that are buying
vehicles 7 years of age or older and those with
impaired credit, will not be able to pay for
repairs." |
See Also:
- The FTC Explains Its Decision
- Consumer Advocates Object
- Dealers Defend Use of 50/50 Warranties
- How NIADA Did It
- Advice Columns Warn Against 50/50